Given that I am headed to Boston for the weekend with 8 hours of travel round-trip, I have plenty of time to take on reader questions! After several months of blogging I think it is about time I fill in the FAQ page. Head down to the comments section and ask me anything. No questions are off-limits;-) I am a few weeks away from a big blog makeover and now is a better time than ever.
It’s Time
Posted on January 28, 2011
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Since I’m sitting next to you on the train,I’ll go first. what would you do without me?!?
OK, I’ll ask a self-centered question: What’s your favorite kind (brand) of chocolate to bake with?
I was really impressed with your healthy choices during your vegan challenge, and how often you work out. I was just wondering if you exercise every day and what kind. Since this blog is dedicated to desserts, you probably have as big a sweet tooth as me and I wonder if you binge on them as much as I do. They are my kryptonite and I find it very difficult to maintain or lose weight because of it.
What is your favorite meal thus far – or favorite pieces put together to make one meal?
How do you have the will power not to eat everything you make???? That must be how you stay so little and adorable!
I want to know if you taste the batter as you are making these most delicious treats? I know I could not resist.
What does your workout regimen consist of? It seems like you workout every morning…and with that in mind, what time do you wake up every day?
Have a great time in Boston – it’s petty cold over here! :)
What is your favorite way to spend time?
OK, the million dollar question… tell me about your photography equipment and techniques. This is the question I ask every food blogger. Trying to improve my food photos this year and looking for all the tips I can get! Safe travels!
Chocolate or vanilla?
Wondering where that photo was taken of you and the lobster? I have a very similar one at Jasper White’s Summer Shack in Boston. We always eat there when we’re in Boston visiting our son.
When and why did you go Vegan?
I can’t wait to see the new blog makeover!